RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) in the retail industry places RFID tags on items that emit signals to RFID readers and processes them in software to generate real-time results for inventory, transactions, inventory levels, or individual customer purchase orders.
In addition, RFID in the retail industry simplifies the general retail inventory process, which is very passive, time-consuming, and only performed at predetermined intervals.
Tracking items is one of the main ways retailers use RFID. RFID in retail stores can be used to prevent theft and track frequently moved and misplaced items. RFID technology allows retailers to track inventory across their retail supply chain, from warehouse shelves to sales sites.

  • Asset Tracking

    Prevent theft, keep track of misplaced or frequently moving assets.

  • Inventory Management

    Ensure a constant supply of products to meet consumer demand.

  • Store Operation

    Item movement is immediate, continuous monitoring of item is possible.

  • Store Security

    Access control and theft prevention are possible.

Retail Related Cases

RFID in Fashion

Inditex continues to deploy RFID technology

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